What is Remote Bookkeeping?


Remote bookkeeping is a service which bookkeeper provides remotely. In simple words, a bookkeeper does not require a physical office to provide bookkeeping services.

The bookkeeper can render virtual bookkeeping services from anywhere in the world. You can say a virtual office.

Remote bookkeeping is also known as virtual bookkeeping or outsourced bookkeeping.

To deliver services, remote/virtual bookkeeper just needs the right tools of communication and best accounting software for bookkeeping.

Remote Bookkeeping: How it Works

What is Remote Bookkeeping

In outsourced accounting and bookkeeping, a business grants access to virtual service provider to its server, database (financial documents), and bookkeeping tools.

In this regard, bookkeeper may be asked by the client to sign Non-Disclosure Document to ensure security and privacy of the financial documents of the company.

After that the bookkeeper will need to sign into the company’s server/computer to access the financial documents, and also need to install a computer software for bookkeeping task. Depending on the arrangement, the accounting software may be purchased by either bookkeeper or the client.

Apart from that if the bookkeeper is hired as company’s employees, then he/she will get salary on weekly/monthly basis. Similarly, if the bookkeeper is a contract, then invoice will be sent to the client for services provided.

4 Benefits of Remote Bookkeeping

There are multiple benefits of remote bookkeeping both for employers and virtual bookkeepers. In this article, we are going to list some of the prominent benefits:

1# Save Money

Hiring a local CPA or bookkeeper for bookkeeping task may cost a lot to small businesses. They may have to pay payroll, local taxes and a lots of fringe benefits. If they go for virtual bookkeeping services, they will not need to pay for fringe benefits and perks.

2# Focus on More Things

Hiring a remote bookkeeping service can relieve small business owners to focus on more productive works instead of bookkeeping.

3# Flexibility & Reliability

Good remote service providers render reliable bookkeeping services. Small business owners don’t need to worry about vacations, employee management or other office matters.

4# Ease of Work

The virtual bookkeeper can easily provide services as per his/her convenience. In this way, the chances of work accuracy and productivity may be increased.

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Author Bio: Adil is a co-founder of oBookkeeping, a company providing virtual bookkeeping services.