How to Find a Job? 7 Best Ways to Get a Dream Job


After completing studies, most of the graduates have dream to land on a good job. However, as freshmen, they just desire about good job but most of them don’t have right skills to find a reasonable job.

Job hunting is an important skill and if you are trying to find a job, then you must know how to find a job and get hired.

In this article, we are going to list top seven smart ways to find a job.

7 Best Ways to Find a Job

How to find a job

1# Try Online Networking

Signup for LinkedIn. This website is dedicated to professionals who are working in market and leading industries.

Once joined, complete your profile and enlist all your credentials over there. After that, join discussion groups of leading industries and participate in group chats and share your thoughts and point of view.

At the same time, try to add like minded people in your connections. Follow companies of your niche to stay updated. If they update any job on their page, you will get notification instantly so you can apply for that job.

2# Talk to Your Friends, Family & Teachers

After completing studies, it is good to ask your friends and in family to refer you to their employers, if they are working in a good company. Employers usually hire new employees based on the recommendation of their old & dedication employers.

Similarly, teachers and professors have great connections in the industry. A lot of their students are already working in the market. So, if you are not getting good opportunities, try to ask you teacher and professor to refer you to some good organization.

3# Explore Job Listing Sites

There are dozens of jobs listing websites where you can find reasonable as well high paying jobs. Signup on these sites and explore jobs as per your niche.

Further, various sites have feature to make your profile as CV and when you apply online your profile cum CV is automatically submitted to the employer for review.

4# Freelancing Websites

You may wonder but the trend of working from home is increasing. Since COVID-19 outbreak, the work from home trend is doubled. Now, various companies have started to hire virtual employees to work online.

You can also find great online jobs on Freelancing websites and get paid easily with the comfort of working from home.

5# Explore Search Engine

 All most all reputable companies have their websites and they usually list their vacancies on their online portal. What you need is to find companies in your niche, then visit Google and find out these websites and look for if they are hiring new employees.

If they are hiring, then its great. Send them email with your introduction and attach your CV for employers’ review.

6# Read Newspapers

We are living in the age of internet. But still various companies especially government departments prefer to advertise their job vacancies on national and local newspapers. So, subscribe to famous newspaper in your area and regularly read job opening advertisements.

7# Try Recruiting Agencies

In some cases, finding relevant job is hard. In that case, you can contact recruiting agencies as they’ve great connections in the industry. They will not only find you a job but most importantly in your niche.

Hope, you’ve found this article “how to find jobs” useful and it will help you to find your dream job easily.

Best of luck 😊

Author Bio: Alex is seasoned blogger and regular contributor at Fincyte.